17 March, 2010


So this adorable local shop down the road a fashion is holding a fun sidewalk sale, complete with vendors. Which includes yours truly. They are calling it "Parts and Labor".
Here is a link to their cute cute site.

Anyhow. The question is, what will I be having? I have TONS of baby clothes and plushies, baby shoes and blankins and cute things for baby.

But, I also have lots of amazing recycled and upcycled grown up clothes for you to wear and proudly say, "My friend Amber made this for me!".

And I  have little home decor items. No hate to Urban or Anthro, because I super duper love them, but this stuff is certainly one of a kind. Things like mobiles, vases, frames...blah, blah.blah. You get the idea.

Here is a sample of things I have sold in the past that you can lurk to get an idea of what I may have at the event.

P.S. The date is Sunday, April 11.

Benny the Bearunny (that's bear slash bunny)
Mr. Labin. A bunny with no arms, just real long arms and legs.

Sir Gus, a giraffe who used to live with the Gypsies, but then RUNNOFT to his new family, a little girls nursery just packed with others just like him.

Hope to see you there!! Enjoy local company and support us!

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